J.P.’s Chip-N-Dip Salsa Fundraisers!
We Make Raising Funds Easy
We make it easy to achieve your goals and come out on top with our unique, and tasteful fundraisers.
The Fundraiser Process
Identify the number of fund awareness participants and supply each of them with a customer order form.
Complete the customer order form in its entirety including the size of the order (i.e., 1 jar or 1 case). Note: each 16 oz, jar costs $6.00.
Your organization receives 30% of the revenue generated from the funds collected.
Let us help you achieve your goals.
Schedule a Meeting With Us Today! Send us a message, or just give us a call: (614) 439-5754.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Join The Movement #movesaladbarstoschool
Let us help you easily achieve Your Fund Raising Goals, and at the same time, help us Promote The Moving Salad Bars to School movement with J.P.’s Salsa.
Once you join and are on board with us, it’s simple, just set your money goal amount and raise the funds selling J.P.’s Salsa. Be a part of # 1 New Fund Raising Idea since 2018 selling J.P.’s Salsa.
Why Do We Do It? It’s Simple Really. We do this to Help Fund The Future For any Worthy Cause!
J.P. Chip-n-Dip Salsa partners with nonprofit/501C3 organizations, schools, and corporations to raise money for a worthy cause.
For Information, please contact 614-439-5754